SWOT analysis

demo text

Smart mobility, Smart governance, Smart economy, Smart environment, Smart living, Smart people
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in a project or an organization. It is used to develop a plan that takes into consideration different factors, maximizes the potential and minimizes the impact of weaknesses and threats. Strengths describe tangible and intangible positive attributes like resources and competency available (knowledge, background, education, skills etc.) in individuals, community or organization) Weaknesses stand for those attributes of an individual, community or organization that are harmful to achieving the objectives. These are features that are under your control, but for a variety of reasons they need improvement. Opportunities are external the conditions that are helpful in achieving the objective. Threats are the external conditions that can be harmful to achieving the objective. They are major unfavorable situations in an organization’s environment.

Before meeting

Before carrying out a SWOT analysis consider the following: - Decide which situation/condition/organization will be analyzed. - Carefully select 8 – 12 participants. The participants should have a good understanding of the situation/condition/organization. An appropriate mix of all age groups and genders makes the exercise rewarding. - Choose a venue that is convenient for the participants. - Prepare a flip-board paper (or big canvas) and make flash cards.

Meeting execution

First, you have to make sure that the participants fully understand the concept of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Facilitate in drawing the matrix for carrying out SWOT analysis. The matrix consists of four quadrants. Use each of the quadrants for analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Ask participants to consider the analysis first from an internal perspective and then also from the point of view of outsiders, and then to write the ideas down on the flash cards and place them in appropriate quadrants. Encourage participants to rearrange, rephrase and reword the flash cards if they wish so.

After meeting

After the analysis has been carried you need to analyze and evaluate the matrix.In the end, create an action plan based on: - strengths need to be maintained and built upon; - weaknesses need to be remedied or stopped; - opportunities need to be prioritized and optimized; - threats need to be countered or minimized.
Village, Town
One-time event. , 60 - 120 minutes
8 - 12 individuals
Moderator skills required, moderator knowledge required.
Sector: Universal method