CEWAS – International center for water management services


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several projects supported
Applicable in rural, non city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students, Active working people


Key conditions for success

Bringing together international teams (north-south partnerships) allows the KMU’s to benefit from the Swiss state of the art and science on the one hand and to act quickly in the target countries on the other.

Key steps for activity implementation

The individual course modules of the cewas training program are also open to individuals or organizations who benefit from this platform and can position themselves in the international water management market. Co-operations between cewas start-ups and existing companies in the water sector as well as university institutes in the inland and abroad are also supported.

Dificulties encountered

According to the "think global, act local"-principle, local value creation is promoted in order to develop market-oriented offers for the national and international demand for sustainable solutions in the water management sector. For cewas, the Lucerne West region offers interesting location factors, such as low-cost office spaces, low corporate taxes, and attractive living and leisure options for those involved in the start-ups.

Resources needed

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Would you like to know more?

Visit the website of the project for more details or contact the author


Alexander Siegenthaler