

Digital Roadmap Austria

Overview about actual challenges and plannend activities.

Pointing the way.

Partners: State Government (Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort)
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European Project Elviten/D-Mobility APP

The Municipality of Genoa in collaboration with Duferco has installed new columns for charging scooters, bikes and electric quadricycles, making operational all 60 Duferco workstations created as part of the Elviten European Project. Until October 2020, users will be able to recharge their vehicles for free, after downloading the D-Mobility app and registering itself

The initiative promotes the Smart transition towards sustainable low-carbon urban mobility and the progressive replacement of fossil-fuel polluting vehicles with low-emission green electric vehicles.

Partners: Municipality of Genoa/Duferco
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Genoa Smart City Association

The AGSC Association pursues the following aims:

  1. Build a project to make Genoa a “smart” city, in a European perspective;
  2. Identify actions, projects, initiatives that can contribute to this end, with the objective: Sustainable economic development, based on research, innovation, technology and guided by local leadership with an integrated planning logic

The Genoa Smart City initiative aims to rethink the city, pursuing the concrete utopia of an urban space on a human scale. These objectives can be achieved by bringing an improvement in the quality of life as a whole, which also implies a better liveability of the city, making services and information intelligent, the use of resources and the development of a sustainable economy.

Partners: Municipality of Genoa
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The Uni.C.O. project is aimed at re-using the organizational / management model of the Metropolitan City of Genoa created to support the complex process of opening administrative data and make it available online through the Transparent Administration Tree in Open Data mode.

The Uni.C.O. project (Opendata Municipalities Consortium) has the objective:

  • transferring the conceptual model of CMGE Open Data also from the perspective of transparent administration management;
  • develop a technological solution (open data portal) in a multi-faceted and opendata oriented perspective in order to make data structure and semantic ontology homogeneous;
  • provide a SaaS solution (Solution as a Service) to ensure timely evolution based on regulatory updates and ANAC directives (national anti-corruption authority);
  • create a common framework between the different administrative data-producing levels (CM, Union of Municipalities, Municipalities)
Partners: Metropolitan City of Genoa
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Pago PA

PagoPA is a different way for citizens to pay the services of the Public Administration, via an easier, more secure and more transparent tool. The system has been adopted by an increasing number of Bodies and payment institutions (Payment Service Providers – PSP), such as banks, post offices and others

PagoPA is not a website, it is a new way to process payments to Public Administration through accredited Payment Service Providers (PSPs) in a standardised manner.

Partners: Agency for Digital Italy
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SPID (Digital Identity Public System)

SPID, the Digital Identity Public System, is the solution that allows to access all the online services of the Public Administration with a single Digital Identity (username and password) that can be used from computers, tablets and smartphones.

This authentication system allows citizens and businesses to access online services of participating public administration and individuals with a unique digital identity. The SPID identity consists of credentials (user name and password) that are issued to the user and that allow access to all online services.

Partners: Agency for Digital Italy
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The Three-Year Plan 2019-2021

Accelerate the digitization of services to citizens and businesses.

The Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in the Public Administration establishes guidelines for implementing a shared strategy with all the possible players in the digital transformation of the country: public administration, citizens, companies, market, research world.

Partners: Agency for Digital Italy
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Program to develop a smart city ecosystem with all the support mechanisms necessary for efficient, optimized and gradual integration of individual areas into a unified and coherent system of value chains.

The program focuses on three key domains of smart cities: health, active living and mobility; and forms strategic relationships with municipalities and other areas of smart cities, such as energy, smart buildings, involvement of citizens, smart communities, etc

Partners: Two research institutions (Anton Trstenjak Institute of gerontology and intergenerational relations and Jožef Stefan Institute), five faculties at two universities, public institutes, ten small and medium sized enterprises
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Within the framework of this project, advanced functionalities will be established in order to provide for better coordination between stakeholders in the electricity system and more efficient operation of the system.
NEDO is a three-year smart grid project

The outcome of the project will be advanced infrastructure that will contribute to ELES’s fulfilment of legally required obligations and ensure higher-quality services for electricity consumers by means of sustainable and environment-friendly solutions.

Partners: NEDO, Hitachi, ELES
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Slovenia (Maribor)

Smart City Maribor

Local partner network operating in the form of a cluster. Partners may join the network by signing a memorandum. in which they commit to respect the operating principles and the initiative’s development policies.

The Smart City Maribor Initiative (SCMI) was launched to spark sustainable development of a smart city environment, to pursue innovation in the city of Maribor, and to develop pilot projects that will enable the provision of smart city activities (in the field of smart services, technology and products). The initiative aims at implementing advanced projects that will improve the quality of life in Maribor and its broader region, and encourage technological, social, and organizational innovation.

Partners: Municipality of Maribor, University of Maribor, other development institutions and the economy
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Pametne vasi

Smart Village initiative to create people-friendly rural areas with support of ICT technologies. Additional info is available here

Improve the quality of life of rural residents and thus contribute to addressing the current population decline in rural areas or their displacement from rural areas.

Partners: EU, Federal Government
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Local Heroes

Website to promote people who implemented good practices in the field of SV

Exposure of people who left a great mark in places where they work along with their good practices.

Partners: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
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France (Sud Provence Alps)

Smart Ruralité

Regional program supporting network consolidation with an observatory of digitalization transformation, the support for a SV initiative at an intermunicipality level, and implemetation of an action plan

Support for digitalization transformation of Regional rural areas

Partners: Region Sud Provence Alps
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Programme Nouveaux lieux Nouveaux liens

National Progam and Call of interest for third places and other new places able to support smart villages processes in different territories (150 ‘Fabriques de territoires’ should be created in french rural areas)

Funding for new places aiming to revitalize rural areas

Partners: State Government (Mission Société Numérique)
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Platform Smart City du CEREMA

National platform to collect information and give tools to territories and stakeholders wanting to build a smart city / smart village initiative

Support for smart city / smart village projects

Partners: CEREMA
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Germany (Baden-Württemberg)

Städte und Gemeinden 4.0 – Future Communities

Funding programm for (inter-) municipalities in the State Baden-Württemberg

Support for pilot projects regarding specific objectives on digitalisation.

Partners: State Government, Association of Municipalities, Association of Cities, Association of Counties
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Germany (Baden-Württemberg)

Digitale Zukunftskommune@bw

Funding programm for (inter-) municipalities in the State Baden-Württemberg

Support for model projects with long-term vision on digitalisation.

Partners: State Government
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Germany (Bavaria)

Digitales Dorf

Inititative of and with locals

Using the chances of digitalization for daily problems of rural areas

Partners: Bavarian state government; Fraunhofer
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Germany (Baden-Württemberg)

Digitization strategy Baden-Württemberg

Digital Strategy of the State Baden-Württemberg

To become one of the leading regions in Europe regarding digitalisation.

Partners: State Government
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Competence center for all central issues of politics of economics

Securing workspaces and prosperity throug digitalization

Partners: State Secretariat
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Smart City Hub Switzerland

Smart City Hub Switzerland

Fostering cooperation and exchange in the field of smart cities implementation

Partners: Cities of St. Gallen, Winterthur, Zürich and Zug as well as Swiss Post, SBB und Swisscom.
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Smart Villages Pilot Project

Action (based on document “EU Actions for Smart Villages” from the European Commission and European Parliament) to make opportunities for villages and rural communities more visible

  1. Map the opportunities and challenges in rural areas;
  2. Provide a definition of “Smart Villages”;
  3. Describe existing best practices;
  4. Investigate how to become a “Smart Village” (support in setting up an action plan etc.)
Partners: Implementation of the Pilot Project has been granted by the European Commission (DG AGRI) to the consortium of Ecorys, Origin for Sustainability and R.E.D. in December 2017
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Dante Project

Digital Agenda for New Tourism Approach in European Rural and Mountain Areas

Integration of information and communication technologies within the tourism regional agenda of rural and mountain areas;
build on the sharing of existing innovative ICT experiences

Partners: INTERREG IVC Programme, Universities, FUNDECYT-PCTEX, Bauernhofferien, Region. Developm. Agencies, InKnowCom…
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RUMRA & Smart Villages

Promotes integrated development for European territories

Create vibrant and attractive rural communities; encourage new ways of governance and cooperation in EU territories (through place-based initiatives and the use of technology); strengthen integration and ensure a sustainable future

Partners: EP Intergroup
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Thematic Group Smart Villages (ENRD)

Hub for exchange of information on how Rural Development policy, programmes, projects and other initiatives are working in practice and how they can be improved to achieve more

  • Increase the involvement of stakeholders in rural development;
  • Improve the quality of Rural Development Programmes;
  • Inform on the benefits of Rural Development policy;
  • Support the evaluation of the RDPs.
Partners: ENRD
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