Echo des Falaises : a French Smart Village local Online Collaborative Platform
Key conditions for success
- Help the group define a set of digital functions and tools that really meet the local needs. - Instead of thinking the whole website during month and do nothing : support the group to acquire basic skills and then invite them to create by themselves the website. - The name EchodesFalaises is the result of a collective Brainstorming session, and final URL name has been open to the local inhabitants vote (more the 100 participants) : it is a good way to make the people discover the project dans the platform - Support the local group for local sessions with inhabitants testing in a pedagogic and funny process, during local events for instance.
Key steps for activity implementation
- October 2019: the idea of the Plateform is selected by the Local Stakeholder group - January 20 : a local group of 4 people (representants of local NGOs, inhabitants and local intermunicipality representative) follow a traning session on the Wiki skills, a « hackathon » is animated to set-up functions and design of the website - June 20 : a working session is held to write down the Charter of use and values, a brainstorming is held to suggest names for the Plateform - July 20 : public vote for the name of the Plateform - August 20 : the Plateform is officially online and opened to the Public contributions. The Plateform is alreadey used for the e-car vehicle « Zoé » booking.
Dificulties encountered
- The importance of reassuring local people that they have the capability to improve their digital skills to be piloting and moderating such a Platform needs an active experience transfert and collaborative animation process. - The gap between the need expressed by local inhabitants and professionnals, and the effective use of the Plateform : people need to see concrete services and added-value of the Plateform functions. - Supporting a group in a Website long-term conception, administration and design need skill transfert
Resources needed
- 2000 € for a 4 days-training of a local group of person for the YesWiki basing skills (webmastering and administration) - 1000 € for a webdesign and CSS graphic theme integration - a group of 2 people that will moderate on the long-term the Wiki contents - a Strategic
Would you like to know more?
Visit the website of the project for more details or contact the author
Claire Beledt