Opération ZOE: a local e-car sharing system

Vercors, france


- More than 40 people already discovered the service, by inhabitants and tourists that come inside the Regional Park by public transports and do not have any transportation on-site. - 2021 is dedicated to strengten and develop the use by intermunicipality and municipalities professionals of the South-Vercors - If the experiment is successfull, the company ambition the acquisition of a second car with higher autonomy to enlarge the services.
Applicable in rural, non city areas
Local area
Elderly, Students, Active working people
Janv-2020 to July 2021


Key conditions for success

A good knowledge of the territory, a good knowledge of electric mobility, a well-developed recharging network in the territory. A public desire and above all the commitment of volunteers to set up and manage the service.

Key steps for activity implementation

January 2020: Proposal and discussions between VercorSoleiL, Comcom and the tourist office. Spring 2020: Reflection and implementation of various documents (helped by the Adrets association), insurance, vehicle search, business plan (helped by Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Environnement). July 2020: Purchase of the vehicle, installation of a charging socket following the engagement as a partner of the Municipality of La Chapelle en Vercors, finalization of insurance and documents. August 2020: Establishment of a shared agenda on the platform of initiatives for the transition created by the Adrets association as part of a European Interreg Alpine Space project for the Royans-Vercors Community of Communes. September 2020: Opening of the Service.

Dificulties encountered

Vehicle degradation if users are not motivated to "share". Establishment of pricing allowing long-term economic viability.

Additional information


Resources needed

Centrales Villageoises VercorSoleiL has acquired a second-hand ZOE vehicle for € 6,000 all inclusive. It also had a charging socket installed on the dedicated location made available by the municipality for € 1,000. She budgeted for an annual maintenance cost (garage, battery rental, insurance, electricity, etc.) of around € 4,500. It received support from Adrets for 2000 € for the implementation of the engineering of the various procedures and the various documents which are intended to be shared by all within the various structures interested in the model. The design of the model required around 120 hours of work and three volunteers will manage the provision and billing while waiting for the tourist office to take over the provision management part. The pricing proposed for the provision of the vehicle is calculated in order to allow, in the long term, if the experience meets a certain enthusiasm, the generalization of car-sharing vehicle to all the villages of the Vercors-Dromois territory and the creation of a part-time job. to manage the administrative

Would you like to know more?

Visit the website of the project for more details or contact the author


Claire Belet