Bed & Sports Willisau

Bed & Sports in Willisau is a new accommodation offer (inaugurated in January 2018), which is embedded in the existing accommodation offers in the Willisau region. The offer supports and demonstrates the importance of sports tourism and its value for the city and the entire region. Willisau has always been a hot spot for athletes from all over Switzerland; since 1972, the city operates a sports center of national importance. Thus, in Willisau, there are an indoor swimming pool, a swinging cellar, a hall for strength, gymnastics and wrestling, various athletics facilities, a 400-meter circular track, three soccer fields, a 4-field beach facility, a cable car and several gyms at disposal. So far, however, Willisau has mostly been lacking overnight offers with 4- and multi-bed rooms, as well as theory rooms for sports camps. Adjacent to the sports facilities, the athletes accommodation “Bed & Sports” with 106 beds, theory rooms and a fitness center has now been realized together with the city of Willisau. This project allows the continuous tourist promotion of the region, since these beds are also available to sport tourists (biking, hiking, etc.). With the expansion of overnight accommodation in the affordable price segment, the sports facilities can be used even better, which has a positive effect on operating costs.Every year, over 20,000 athletes benefit of these accommodation options at the Willisau sports center. This offer is also used for cantonal youth & sports camps.The shared booking platform for the offers of Bed & Sports via the city of Willisau is ideal for athletes, clubs and tourists.
Bed & Sports Willisau is well implemented in the region and beyond. The shared plattform, which is used to book all the beds in Willisau is well used.
Applicable in rural, non city areas
Local area
Youth, Elderly, Students
January 2018 - ongoing

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Alexander Siegenthaler