Candle – the heart among the vineyards and gastronomic excellence

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Podravje, slovenia

When establishing the model of smart villages, we selected 3 key areas along the entire area of the municipality of Kungota in Svečina:
- connecting providers
- active involvement of young people
- elimination of barriers caused by the non-coverage of the area with a wi-fi network
- establishment of social networks
- implementation of a boutique event, as a gala wine-culinary evening with a cultural touch
We carried out activities within the project Smart Villages, Flagship Products, Inno-Rural and with voluntary work and knowledge that we transferred from our work and other work environments for the benefit of the development of the municipality and Svečina as a boutique tourist destination.

Promotion of the destination Svečina on social networks (Visit Svečina, istigram svicina), unique stories of connecting winemakers in a gala wine culinary evening, establishing digitalization in an area with tight wi-fi areas and mobile applications for locals and visitors, joint promotion at fairs, publications in media.
Applicable in rural, non city areas
Youth, Elderly
september 2018 - še traja


Key conditions for success

- networking - trust - the interest of young people to stay on farms - innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture - tourist excellence

Key steps for activity implementation

- prenos znanja in medgeneracijsko osveščanje - podpora lokalne skupnosti - podpora podpornega okolja - trajnostna naravnanost

Additional information

dodatne informacije bodo na voljo od 2020 na spletni strani. do takrat pa spremljajte fb/visit svečina

Resources needed

We would need a professionalized tourist information center with 2 employees and marketing and marketing management, as well as professionalization of activities in connecting supply and demand management.

Would you like to know more?

Contact the project authors for more information about project implementation, resources, planning and impact.

Zavod za inovativnost in podjetništvo

Janja Viher