demo text
Objectives tree
Intelligente Mobilitu00e4t, Smarte Governance, Intelligentes Wirtschaften, Intelligente Umwekt, Intelligentes Leben, Smarte Bevu00f6lkerung
The objectives tree is an approach to transform project statements into more specific ones. It is best to use it at the critical time before your project starts and after you have completed Problem tree approach – it translates each negative statement in the problem tree into a positive statement (the objectives). This technique helps to define project objectives and provides a way to order them in hierarchical structure; it consists of project objectives linked hierarchically in a tree graph.
Some of the advantages to include an objectives tree method in your project development process are that allows an accurate development of (explicit and) comprehensive objectives and the opportunity to include quantitative and qualitative objectives. Limitations of the objectives tree are that no single objective tree is valid for a project. Namely, each person will construct an objectives tree in a different manner.
The objectives tree workshop is not very demanding to host. In order to avoid inconveniences and to enhance the results of the approach, follow the following instructions.
Before meeting
To make the most of Objectives tree approach, carry out a Problem tree method beforehand, to identify the main problematic areas to address.
Meeting execution
To make the objectives tree approach as effective as possible, follow those steps:
- List the objectives. You can do this by many approaches: transform problems identified with Problems tree approach into objectives; talking with your community; brainstorming with your project team. Make the listed objectives clearer by asking the question: “What is meant by this statement?” Make sure that everything listed is actually an objective (and not constraint, limitation, restriction, etc.) – do this by saying: “An objective is to statement.”
- Order the list. Group the objectives into related topics using an affinity diagram. Write the objectives on post-it notes and place them on the board. Compare the next objective card to the first – if intent is similar place it under the same column, otherwise begin a new column. The result are objectives sorted by similar intent. Order each column hierarchically (general to more specific).
- Draw the objectives tree. The hierarchy on the objectives can be represented in a graphical structure known as objectives tree. The objectives tree diagram looks like an upside-down tree: the overall objective is at the top, underneath it, the branches represent more detailed objectives.
After meeting
Analyse the objectives tree and start addressing the most specifically defined objectives.
Dorf, Stadt, Gemeinde, Region
Einmaliges Ereignis, 60 - 120 min
6 - 8 (but not more than 25)
Moderator skills required, moderator knowledge required.
Sector: Universal method